Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Winter Fashion

Hi readers, today I am writing about winter fashion. Personally I love winter fashion because the clothes are really cute, warm and I love layering clothes. People can even wear summer clothes while layering them with winter clothes. Another reason why I love winter it self is that I do not have to see other peoples "private areas", I just think that it is discussing and unnecessary. During winter every one wants to be warm so those people cover their part. I think that with winter clothes we can be creative and wear multiple things at once, unlike during summer we want less clothing and wear boring clothes. For example during the winter people can wear cute jeans with a t shirt layered with a trench coat or simple jacket/sweater it makes it simple but cute. Also there are a lot of cute shoes that are available during the winter, like different types of boots. Scarfs are awesome they're not just cute they also keep people warm. That is all I have to say, thank you for reading bye.
Image result for winter fashion
Image from "pintrest"

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