Friday, October 14, 2016


Hi readers, today I am writing about teamwork. There is no "I" in the word team, as many people would say. Team work is a coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a "team". Team work is the key to success in most of life and business. Only through team work we can combine different points of view, to overcome difficult obstacles or challenges. Not only does team work increases performance but it also promotes the development of better citizens and societies. Team work is important in every business, because without other people we would not learn. For example when a surgeon performs a surgery he or she has to have some assistance, to pass the tools for example or to hold something or to double check, this requires teamwork. Although some people may not like working with a team, it is a good life skill to have. Anyone who has worked on a team knows that the only way to do so successfully is by assessing oneself honestly and becoming the best person on can be.
                                                                                                             Thank you for reading, bye.
Image result for team work
Image from "ASME"

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