Friday, October 28, 2016

Quality Assurance

Hello readers today I am going to discuss the following: What is quality assurance? What does a quality assurance inspector do? Why is it important for a company to have standards for quality assurance? Quality Assurance is a way of preventing mistakes in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering solutions to customers. A quality assurance inspector works for a company to inspect, test and sample materials, parts or products for mistakes. Quality products help to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty. Quality also influences your company's reputation. A strong reputation for a quality can be an important differentiation in markets that are very competitive. Poor quality can create negative publicity and damage your reputation. For example in fashion business some QA inspector look at the quality of sewing and other little derails like surging or even how the fabric is cut. It is important to have a good quality garments if you are planing to use it for along time. That is all for today thank you for reading, bye.  
Image result for quality inspector
Image from "Green River"

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