Monday, October 24, 2016

Sewing to Survive!

Hello readers today I am writing about children in Turkey who have to sew in order to survive. In the article "The kids who have to sew to survive" by Darragh Maclntyre, illustrates how young children ages 6-13 have to sew everyday illegally in order to survive, and they get payed as little as $1.22 an hour. That is terrible, it is illegal child slavery. The things that the kids make are made for high-end shops in England. I think that if the US did business with those people I would do everything that is possible to stop it. I think that people and the government should do something about it and get those innocent children out of there and into safety. Those kids do not deserve what they are going through, they should be playing outside and playing tag or drawing, doing the things that a kid should do, experience childhood. Children that age should not be forced to do something that they shouldn't be doing. The world is so cruel. You have to be pure evil and heartless to do those things, and kill an innocent child if they do not do what is not in their standard. That is all I have for today thank you for reading bye.
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