Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Halloween Fashion

Hello readers, today I am writing about Halloween fashion. Although Halloween is not my favorite holiday, I do dress up. Sometimes I put together my own costume and sometimes I just wear store bought costume. Sometimes I am lazy so I don't spend too much time on the costume. I think that Halloween is fun, and people can dress up as much or a little as possible. Some costumes shouldn't be worn because they are inappropriate but people still wear them because its "Halloween" and it is "acceptable", I disagree. You can also do really cool make up that completely transforms the person. This year I feel a little lazy and too old to go all out for Halloween, so I am just going to wear a piglet onesie, it's comfortable and appropriate as well as cute.  People can express how they feel through what they wear, and eat candy. I think that it's easier to buy a costume then to make one because it requires time and effort, but if someone is willing to do it then why not. That is all for today, thank you for reading, bye.  
Image result for piglet onesie
Image from "pajamasbuy"
Image result for halloween makeup
Image from "boredpanda"

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