Monday, March 6, 2017


Drunk Elephant's lineup.
Image from ""
Hello readers today I am going to write about WWD which stands for Women's Wear Daily. According to the article "Drunk Elephant Gets Invested From VMG Partners, Man Repeller's Leandra Medine" by Rachel Strugatz, there is a lot of different beauty products. When I looked through all of the articles, none of them really interest me, and this one doesn't either, but I have to pick one to write about. This article is basically about Tiffany Masterson who is the founder of Drunnk Elephant, and how she became the founder and her life. There are many products from beauty to cosmetics. I think that beauty products are great because it keeps the skin healthy, although makeup sometimes doesn't, I think that beauty products should be less expensive because everyone deserves to be beautiful. I have nothing else to write. That is all for today. Remember be kind. Thank you for reading, bye.

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