Friday, March 10, 2017

Vera Wang

Image result for vera wang
Image from "david'sbridal"
Image result for vera wang
Image from "" 
Hello readers today I am writing about Vera Wang. Wang was born and raised in New York City, her parents were born in China they came to the US in the mid-1940's. Her mother worked as a translator for the United Nations and her father owned a medicine company. Wang graduated in 1967 and attended University of Paris and earned a degree in art history. She began figure skating at the age of eight, and when she failed to make the US Olympics team she entered into the fashion industry. She was hires to be an editor at Vogue right after graduation from college, making er the youngest editor at that magazine. She stayed at Vogue for 17 year, then left in 1987. At 40 she became an independent bridal wear designer. The prices of the bridal gowns range from $600-$1,400, this gives the brides more affordable way to wear Wang's designs. Wang married in 1989 and adopted two daughters, unfortunately in 2012 she and her husband separated. As we can see she is a successful designer. But that is all I have for today, thank you for reading. Remember be kind, bye.  

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