Thursday, March 16, 2017


Image result for 2017 hair trends
Image from "youtube"
Image result for 2016 hair trends
Image from "thefashionspot"
Hello readers, today I am going to write about hairstyles. The oldest known depiction of braiding dates back to about 30,000 years. In ancient civilizations, women's hair was often elaborately and carefully dressed in special ways. From the time of the Roman Empire until the Middle Ages, most women grew their hair as long as it would naturally grow. During the first World War, women around the world started to shift to shorter hair styles that were easier to manage. Today people wear their hair how ever they want, long, short, ponytails, braids, you name it. Lately it has been a trend to have short or medium hair style. It also has been popular to dye bottom faded hair and dying hair different colors. Personally I love different hairstyles, I think that it compliments what you are wearing and it's pretty. That is all I have for today, thank you for reading. Remember be kind to others, bye!
Image result for silver hair
Image from "fashionisers"

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