Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Collection

Image result for fashion collection
Image from "deviantart"
Hello readers, today I will be writing about collections. A good collection must tell a story, the customer has to want to be in the middle of the story. Generating a color story is also very important, each garment and color should compliment each other. To start a collection there should be a sketch of the garment idea. My groups spring collection is going to tell a story, a youthful story. All of our pieces compliment each other and flow through out the collection. Most pieces will have one thing in common, there will be a pop of dark red color. I think that the pop will add a different effect, perhaps a little maturity to the garment yet the garment will be youthful at the dame time. Our costumers want to put them selves in the middle of our story because our story is beautiful. We want our customers to feel young beautiful and confident. As we are making this collection I hope that we will make that happen and make the looks breath taking. That is all I have for today thank you for reading. Remember be kind to others, bye.

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