Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What "Needs" do you think Haute Couture satisfies?

Hi readers, today I am discussing some needs that Haute Couture satisfies.
In French Haute Couture means high fashion. It is not cheap, it costs anywhere between 10,000-100000 dollars. There are only 11 haute couture houses left in the world, and the show collections are only twice a year.
Haute Couture meets many needs. It meets love and acceptance needs, because some people might want to receive affection from others. Some pieces meet the need of modesty, like the dress could be long and not showing too much skin. Sometimes it can also meet the need of conformity because we often want to belong to a group and feel accepted and clothing can express that. It meets the need of attraction because we might want to attract someone we are interested in. It meets the need of esteem because people feel good about them selves when they dress nicely and expensive, which also falls in the need of self-adornment and identification.
                                                                                                           Thanks for reading, bye.
Image result for modest haute couture
Image from "the modest bride".
This shows and example of modesty needs because as we can see it doesn't show too much skin.

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