Thursday, September 8, 2016

What is a fashion classic?

Hi readers, today I am discussing what "classic" means. Classic is a style that stays in fashion for a long time . Jeans are one of many examples of "classic". Now of course jeans are not the same as they were fifty years ago, but they are still jeans. Today jeans might have different designs and purpose. Years ago jeans were used only for working in farms and mostly males wore them. But now everyone wears then just different styles. Jeans can be different color, texture, they could be ripped and have variety of designs, for example floral designs or have pockets in  different spots.  Another example of a classic is "Little Black Dress" which was created in 1920's by Coco Chanel. This dress still exist today, we can find it anywhere and wear it for any occasion. It is simple and elegant, we can wear it with accessories or just at is it.
Image result for little black dress classic
Image from 'Indulgy"
  That's it for today thank you for reading, bye.

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