Friday, September 30, 2016

Sewing by hand and by machine

Hi readers today I am writing about sewing. Hand sewing can be useful if you are working with delicate fabrics or making a small repair. You can hand sew if you don't have access to the machine. Hand sewing is also used for couture garments. There are different techniques that are used for hand sewing, for example whip stitch, herringbone stitch, or invisible slip stitch. When using a sewing machine you need to be careful and have the right measurements. Patience is very important in fashion and sewing, because if you don't take your time and fly through the garment you can have the wrong measurements and it will look odd. Also it is important to used your time wisely. Meaning show up on time and keep working till the end. I think that time and patience are very valuable in fashion and in making a garment.
Image result for handsewing
Image from "offthegridnews"
               That is all I have for today, thank you for reading bye.
Image result for machine sewing
Image from "tillyandthebuttons"

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