Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What is avant-garde fashion? Why do you think many celebrities dress in avant-garde fashions" What celebrity behaviors support your thinking?

Hello readers.
Today we are learning about avant-garde. For some it is a review and for others it is a new word and meaning. This style first appeared in the architecture industry. As a fashion style it was born in the 20's in Japan. It is characterized by straight geometric or shapeless silhouettes. It is interesting because it gives space for creativity.  I think that creative people dress ordinary and in an interesting manner. In the style the expression patterns are achieved not by color, but by lines, shapes, cutting. The style also uses many different materials like cardboard and fabrics. This style is designed for bright and creative people who want to stand out from the crowd. I think that some celebrities might wear something like this to standout and maybe to get attention. We think that they already get enough attention but no they want more. It could also be because that's their personality and they want to express them selves. Lady Gaga sets a perfect example of this style.

Image result for avant garde lady gaga
Image from "fashionphantasmagoria"
Image result for avant garde lady gaga
Image from "Behance"  
   Thanks for reading bye.

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