Monday, September 26, 2016

Community servise

Hi readers, today I am writing about community service. I think that community service is important. It practices multiple skills, including collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity. My class had an opportunity to go on a field trip to set up a quilt show as a community service. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend, I was disappointed. Even though I've never done fashion related community service, I've done other things. I do community service every week by helping out with little kids at the church I go to. I've done many other community service that taught me a lot. It is important to do community service because you help other people and learn things like leadership, communication, creativity and many other important skills. Community service also give you an opportunity to develop and practice those skills.
                                                                                      That's all I have for today, thank you bye.     
Image result for community service helping kids
Image from "projectsabroad"

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