Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Function vs. Design

Image result for function vs design
Image from "Bloomberg"
Hello readers today I am writing about prototyping and function vs. design. I think that it is important to have both function an design. But if I had to choose between those I would chose function over design. I would rather have something that works then something that doesn't but pretty. In our class pop up store projects, I think that all design should have both because if one is functional but not eye appealing then no one would buy the product. If a product is colorful an designed really creatively then there might be a bigger chance of selling the product. To make hand warmers and scrunchies it's really important for the product to function. When making them workers must be very neat and do a good job, because if not then the rise could spill everywhere or the scrunchies could rip. We want all customers to be happy so there fore we need to stay on task and do our best. That is all I have for today, thank you for reading bye.    

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