Monday, November 28, 2016

The True Cost

Hello readers today I am writing about fast fashion. Many times the clothes that we wear now were made by someone else in a different country. Those clothes are being produced for pennies by workers who get paid even less. In order to keep the cost as low as possible and maximize profits, many brands force factories in countries like India to compete against each other. 85% of those workers are women. If the workers dare to demand higher wages, they would be locked in a room and beaten. I think that this is wrong that people should work hours and hour per day and get payed pennies, I think it's unfair. It makes  me appreciate clothing and hold on to it longer or donate it to someone who needs them, instead of tossing them away. I think that there is definitely a need for change, to change the factories conditions, wages, the way people act. I think that if someone makes something it should worth more then a penny. That is all for today, thank you for reading, bye.
Image result for the real cost fashion
Image from "FEMALE"

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