Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Manufactured fibers

Image result for fibers
Image form "wikimedia"
Image result for spinneret
Image from "made in china.com" (Image 1)
Hello readers, today I am writing about manufactured fibers. Manufactured fibers surround you. They are in clothes, on furniture, at school, and in cars. They cal be as small as a spider's web or as large as ropes that moor an ocean vessel. That's crazy. Rayon was the first commercially produced fiber. Cellulosic fibers are from plant life and synthetic are from chemicals. There are three steps to manufacture fibers: 1) The raw material is changed to liquid. 2) The liquid is pushed through a spinneret, which is shown in image 1. 3) The liquid hardens in the form of a fiber. I have one more thing to share. Elastoester is a fiber that is similar to polyester and stretchy like spandex. It is less susceptible to chlorine damage, and retains dyes. That is all I have for today, thank you for reading. remember be kind to others, bye.  

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