Thursday, April 20, 2017


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Hello readers today I am going to write about goals. Goals can be big or small. Goals are something that a person sets and tries to complete it. People can have personal goals, or group goals. The goal of the goal is to complete the goal, if that made sense. I have personal goals, and so do others. I have long-term and short-term goals. Goals are important because it keeps the person on task. Setting goals gives one motivation. For example the greatest athletes don't just become great, they set goals and meet them, and then set new ones. Goals teach one commitment and planning skills. I think that goals are unrestricted, meaning one can set a goal for anything they want, and they can do anything they want as long at they are fully committed they will succeed. That is all I have for today, short and sweet. Thank you so much for reading, remember be kind to others, bye.    

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