Thursday, February 2, 2017

McCall Pattern company and home sewing

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Hello readers, today I am writing about McCalls pattern company and home sewing. This was formed in 1863. In Manhattan's skyscraper there is a pattern making room, where there are about 80 employees, they create about 700 patterns each year for the company. These patterns have been very popular lately. The brand has pretty cute clothes that one can make. Personally I've never bought my own pattern before, so I don't have a lot of experience, but from what I've heard the brand is good. It allows for you to make your own garments and doesn't allow fast fashion. Fast fashion hurts the environment as well as other peoples lives. For a coming up project we were supposed to bring our own patterns and fabric to make anything we wanted. I bought a romper McCalls pattern, and floral pattern fabric. I am really exited and can't wait to make it. But that is all I have for today. Thank you for reading!

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