Monday, May 22, 2017

Fashion show

Image form "dropbox"
Me modeling my avante-garde look.
Image from "dropbox"
Hello readers, I can't believe the year is almost over, wow. I am going to write about our own fashion show. It was a cool experience, I've never done or been in a fashion show before so it was interesting, and of course nerve racking. Over all the show got a positive feed back from the viewers. Everyone who participated in the show had worked extremely hard to make the collections happen. Each collection told a story and was beautiful. The avante-garde look were personally my favorite. They were unique and super interesting. i though over all this experience was a learning process. I learn more about team work and that time is very valuable. I loved getting compliments after the show because it showed that people appreciate our hard work. That is all I have for today, thank you for reading. Remember be kind to others, bye.    

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