Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What messages do you think you send through your clothing? What about other people? What messages do you think they send through the clothes they wear?

Hi readers today I'm writing about what message we and others send through our everyday fashion choices. I think that clothing expresses people, it shows their personality. Most of the time I dress according to my mood, for example when I feel a little tired or lazy I would wear plain jeans and a plain shirt like a long sleeve. When I feel awake and energetic I would try to do something different with my hair besides a pony tale. Instead I would braid it a different way, and wear something cute. The weather also affects what I wear, like if it is hot outside I wouldn't want to wear a winter outfit but I would wear shorts with a tank-top, t-shirt or a dress instead and. Same way goes with when it is cold outside I would wear a jacket and a long sleeve with long pants.
 A message that I send through my clothing is that I'm outgoing, relaxed and I don't try to impress other people, but it is nice when people complement what you wear, I'm pretty sure everyone likes it when they get a compliment, it makes us feel good. When I'm at the mall or where there are people I often look at what they are wearing and tell a story in my head, if they are wearing something really nice like if it looks expensive I would think that they are spoiled or they are really rich, then when I see someone wearing something like baggy sweats and dirty t-shirt in public I think maybe they don't have too much money. But I don't actually think that it make them who they are, they could be an amazing person doesn't matter what they wear. When I'm lazy I also wear baggy sweats, does it mean I'm poor? No, I dress the way I feel.
Image result for fashion
Image from "Kim's Fashion"
                                    Thank you for reading! Have a great day!

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