Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fashion in different countries

Image result for American street fashion
Image from "street peeper" American street fashion
Hello! Today's blog is about fashion in other countries. These days we have pretty much the same fashion trends and brands almost everywhere we travel. However the same types of clothing is styled differently in different countries. I've lived in Ukraine for about 13 years. When I came here to US I could see the difference in style. For example in Ukraine people would wear colorful clothes rather than plain colors like black and gray. But here people wear a lot of plain colors. Ukrainian traditional costume has lots of color and patterns. Although I love Ukrainian clothing, I'm also into the US style. After all US is one of the leading countries in fashion world.
Nice dress, Ukraine, from Iryna with love
Image from "pintrest" Ukrainian street fashion
Ukrainian // http://media-cache-ec3.pinimg.com/originals/3d/6d/f0/3d6df0be25740f4ed76880643ddaa7b8.jpg
Image from "pintrest" Ukrainian street fashion
Image result for American street fashion
Image from "lookbook" American street fashion

Monday, August 29, 2016

"Haute Couture"

Hi, readers today I'm going to discuss "Haute Couture". What is it? glad you asked, the term refers to "High Fashion". The true definition is" fashion that is constructed by hand from start to finish, made from high quality, expensive, often unusual fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable sewers, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques." There are series of criteria when it come to "Haute Couture" that was made in 1945, and updated in 1992.
Some criteria are: 
  • Have a workshop in Paris that employs at least 15 staff members full time.
  • Every season, present a collection of at least 50 original designs to the public, day and evening garments, in January and July of each year.
Image result for haute couture
Image from "Jolie"
 According to multiple fashion websites it takes anywhere from 100-700 hours to create one "Haute Couture" dress, evidently it's time consuming. Due to the incredible amount of time it takes to make haute couture pieces, it is not cheap. The garments can go anywhere from 10,000-100,000. With prices that high the market isn't big. It was reported that about 2,000 women world wide buy haute couture, and only 200 of them are regular buyers. 
                                                  Well that is all for today, thanks for reading! Bye.
Image result for haute couture
Image from "Fashion Lollipop"

Friday, August 26, 2016

What 'needs' do you think clothing satisfies? Physical Needs?Emotional Needs? Other Needs?

Hi readers,
I will be writing my thoughts on some needs that clothing might satisfy. You can tell a lot about other peoples clothing. Whether they're tired, shy, comfortable or super outgoing. Some physical needs would be the weather, for example if its freezing outside we would wear a coat and warm clothing, because if we don't we'll freeze. We need clothes to be warm.
Lets take swimmers for instance, they wear light swimsuits so they can swim faster, because heavy clothes will drag the swimmer down and it will be harder to swim.  Another need that clothing satisfies is physical needs. People tend to "need" to fit in, and blend in with the crowd, because its easier to do than to stand out. Society judges the ones who wear less clothing, more clothing. Some people just don't care what society thinks, and others do. People who care do everything they can in order to fit in from head to toes, from plastic surgery to most expensive make up/clothes. But I also think that on certain occasions we do have to wear clothes that are appropriate, for example if you're going to work with kids then you shouldn't wear booty shorts and a crop top, because its just inappropriate.    
Other that that people should stop caring what others say and think about them, and just be themselves, wear what they feel the most comfortable in.
                                                                                             Thanks for reading! Have a great day, bye.
Image result for different outfits
Image from: "28 outfits from 14 pieces"

Thursday, August 25, 2016

In your opinion, does wearing school uniforms increase learning? reduce violence? reduce stereotyping and prejudice? Support your answer with specific examples.

Hi readers, today I'm writing about school uniforms and if they increase learning, reduce violence, or reduce stereotyping. This is a hard question to answer, mostly because there are really more than one answer. In my opinion what people wear doesn't increase or decrease learning. But I also think that clothes can be distracting for some people. For example if a female is dressed inappropriately, like wearing shorts that show body parts that shouldn't be shown then some people can get distracted and not pay attention to other things like school work. It depends on the person though, some people don't pay attention to that, because they know that there are more important things they should be learning and looking at.
Uniforms could prevent violence, for example if someone is wearing something that is offensive to somebody else it can trigger violence. I think that when everyone is wearing a uniform it might reduce stereotyping and judging too, evidently because everyone is wearing the same thing. Although uniforms can be boring and they don't express people. What I mean by "express" is that people can't dress by their mood, and it doesn't show their personality if they wear uniforms. But this is my opinion, others might think otherwise.
                                                                                                                    Thanks for reading! Bye      

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What messages do you think you send through your clothing? What about other people? What messages do you think they send through the clothes they wear?

Hi readers today I'm writing about what message we and others send through our everyday fashion choices. I think that clothing expresses people, it shows their personality. Most of the time I dress according to my mood, for example when I feel a little tired or lazy I would wear plain jeans and a plain shirt like a long sleeve. When I feel awake and energetic I would try to do something different with my hair besides a pony tale. Instead I would braid it a different way, and wear something cute. The weather also affects what I wear, like if it is hot outside I wouldn't want to wear a winter outfit but I would wear shorts with a tank-top, t-shirt or a dress instead and. Same way goes with when it is cold outside I would wear a jacket and a long sleeve with long pants.
 A message that I send through my clothing is that I'm outgoing, relaxed and I don't try to impress other people, but it is nice when people complement what you wear, I'm pretty sure everyone likes it when they get a compliment, it makes us feel good. When I'm at the mall or where there are people I often look at what they are wearing and tell a story in my head, if they are wearing something really nice like if it looks expensive I would think that they are spoiled or they are really rich, then when I see someone wearing something like baggy sweats and dirty t-shirt in public I think maybe they don't have too much money. But I don't actually think that it make them who they are, they could be an amazing person doesn't matter what they wear. When I'm lazy I also wear baggy sweats, does it mean I'm poor? No, I dress the way I feel.
Image result for fashion
Image from "Kim's Fashion"
                                    Thank you for reading! Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Why did you choose to study fashion? What do you hope to learn by taking a fashion class?

Image from polyvore

This year I signed up for a fashion class. I am exited and curious. I hope to learn about the fashion industry because it is interesting. I can't wait to learn how to use the sewing machine and make clothes. Use different fabric as well as technique. I was always interested in the fashion world, I love the colors and patterns of the fabric. I think it is amazing how someone can create an image in their head, draw it on paper and create it their own way, their own style. Clothes can express people and show their personalty, mood and creativity. That's what I love about fashion.